Hi! I'm Jacob Premo, a full stack software engineer specializing in JavaScript, React, and Python

Please feel free to check out some of my projects and reach out if you have any questions



Software Engineer

I've worked for Forio since joining the software engineering industry in early 2021. During my time there I developed custom simulations for over a dozen clients and helped to manage ongoing maintenance for over 30 older projects. I learned a lot during my time at Forio and really grew into the role of a skilled software developer capable of finding efficient solutions to complex problems either in an independent or collaborative setting. Throughout my time there I implemented a variety of complex features throughout multiple projects including WebRTC based video conferencing and recording, large scale data retrieval APIs, and custom single sign-on authentication. I even helped to introduce several more modern coding techniques and libraries that really helped to improve our workflow.


These are some applications that I have built professionally, as personal projects, or during my education. They are built on technologies including, but not limited to, JavaScript, React, Redux, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Express, Python, Flask, and SQLAlchemy.

COVID-19 Vaccine Poll

A publicly accessible application I built during my time working for Forio that focuses on visualizing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy data from a study surveying over 12,000 Americans. Users are able to filter information based on various categories and can see what types of messaging were most effective in reducing vaccine hesitancy.

Pixel Showdown

An original web app concept that gives users the ability to participate in pixel art competitions. Users are able to create competitions/rule sets and participate in contests held by other users. The image editor was custom developed and provides users with features common to image editing software while also enabling cloud storage and custom image animation. Pixel Showdown was developed using a Flask/SQLAlchemy backend with AWS integration alongside a React/Redux frontend.

Open Bar

Open Bar is a collaboratively developed clone of Open Table focused on the niche of reserving bar seats. Users are able to create a bar, write reviews, search for bars, and make reservations for a party size of their choosing. Open Bar was built using a Flask/Postgres/SQLAlchemy backend along with a React/Redux frontend. Mapping functionality was incorporated using the Google Maps API.

Petential Places

A full stack Yelp clone built with pet-owning businesses in mind. Users can create businesses, write reviews, search up places by name or location, and see what others have to say about popular businesses. It was developed using Express/Postgres/Sequelize on the backend and React/Redux on the frontend. Mapping and geolocation were incorporated using the TomTom Maps API.

JavaScript Jungle

JavaScript Jungle is a full stack clone of Stack Overflow with an explicit focus on JavaScript and related frameworks. It was developed in a group setting with key features of the site including the ability to post and answer questions. Additionally, users are able to upvote/downvote posts, and search through threads. JavaScript Jungle was built using an Express/Postgres/Sequelize backend in conjunction with Pug templating for the frontend.

















Please email me at premojacob@gmail.com with any questions or opportunities. My resume along with my GitHub, LinkedIn, and AngelList profiles are also available for your review.